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Des livres que je recommande comme parent / Books I recomend as parent

(Auteur inconnu), (2023) « Écoute et joue! En avant la musique! », Éditions 123 Soleil, ISBN 978-2-35990-991-3
English: (Unknown author), (2021) « Skills on Wheels – Music Band », AzToys Int.

Moncure, J.B. (1994) « Le chiffre quatre », Grolier LImitée, ISBN 0-7172-3093-7

English: The Child’s World, Inc

Ces livres sont super pour apprendre les chiffres. On apprend à compter, additionner, soustraire. Cependant, la date de publication est tellement ancienne, j’ai des doutes s’ils sont encore en publication.

Gravel, E, (2022) « C’est mon corps », Scholastic, ISBN 978-1-4431-9649-9

This one does not seem to have an english equivalent

My smallest request for my ward

This is probably my smallest request for accessibility / cycling improvement in our ward, but it’s on private property: freeing ONE car parking space so wheeled accessibility is guaranteed. Letter to the ward’s office:

Do you think you can work with the landowner of 1556 Merivale Rd to keep this one parking spot free of cars? Here is the street view
How do we find the contact info for the landowner so we as citizens can also write in?

As you can see from the street view link, when the car parking space is free, the path between Elizabeth Wyn Wood Secondary Alt and 1556 Merivale Road is accessible to bicycles, trikes, wheelchairs and other users with diminished mobility.

But if a car is parked there, the trees and curb no longer make it accessible to wheelchair users and cyclists.
With the owners permission, we could start with pylons and then find a way to add bollards.

Restore forest fires budget and restore car licensing fees

Mr Premier,

The big smoke from forest fires is back.    According to Jacob, you cut forest fire fighting budget by 67% in 2019. Forest fires is affecting my health strongly as a cyclo-commuter and a carless household.

What is more upsetting is that you’ve removed vehicle license plate renewal fees. This removed 1 billion dollar in revenue.

There’s your budget for fighting forest fires.

Not only that, but those license plate renewal fees should be proportional to the square (or even the cube) of the weight of the vehicle.    The increasing average weight of vehicles is having an unacceptable toll on our municipal roads, electricity grid and climate change….. which brings us back to forest fires.

Even the National Bureau of Economic Research acknowledges there is a greater fiscal cost to vehicle weight.

If you want to be fiscally responsible, bringing back renewal fees, increasing forest fighting budgets and charging vehicles by their weight is the right thing to do.

Julien Lamarche
Ottawa West Nepean

Loblaws phases out plastic bags

CBC podcast on plastic pollution and the plastic industry’s fight against it.

I guess this is why Loblaws has phased out plastic bags. This would have been great news in a world prior to widespread grocery delivery services

With delivery options options on the rise, without taking back nylon bags or re-using their own carboard boxes, the plastic problem is just replaced with nylon. 

There was a brief time where the nearby lobalws was re-using carboard boxes from delivery packages.  Though somewhat more awkward for the delivery person, this would be win-win-win situation coupled with delivery services

1. Store doesn’t spend more on packaging
2. For the environment, the carboard gets recycled at hoouseholds.  Municipalities do not necessarily offer carboard recycling for free to businesses
3. Household doesn’t accumulate non-recyclable material and pay less for long term landfill.

Unless delivery services want to pick up re-usable bags or bins, or grocery stores take back bins and bags (and wash them), re-using carboard boxes used for bulk shipping is the only way out of this nylon mess.

Hydro One Merivale Transformer Station Modernization

Hello Hydro One,

 In regards to your Merivale Transformer Station Modernization (1),
there is a bike path near by which is in heavy use according to Strava
Heat Map:

Woodfield Drive is also in heavy use and the bike path intersects with
the entrance of the Hydro One station .

I would hope that none of bike paths are closed and if necessary, that
signage is provided for a paved detour, not a gravel detour.

I am also urging you to put in the project plan :
A)  _Daily_ checks for dust accumulation and cleaning at the
intersection of bike paths with vehicle entrances to the the hydro
station entrance or construction site AND
B) Weekley checks on the bike path for dust accumulation on the bike
path that is just south of the station.

    Of my 5 falls I can recall, 2 of them were on or near construction
sites.  1 of those two was because of dust that accumulated from
either the truck or the wind.  It wasn’t not even _on_ the
construction site.

I am not able to attend, but thank you for holding the open houses.


Winter Maintenance Quality Standards for 2022

I think I got this from either the FB feed of the city or Laine Johhson’s (councillor for College Ward).

Good on the city for prioritizing downtown sidewalks (where the modal share of pedestrian traffic is much higher) and the Winter Cycling Network (which is unusable if it’s not cleared quickly).

A review of the WMQS was underway since 2020 and a report will be presented this year to the city’s transportation committee.

Mr. Sutcliffe’s speeches put cyclists at risk

Sutcliffe campaign speech & tweets against cycling infrastructure
(along with councillor Luloff’s comment that « nobody will take the
bus to do their groceries’ ‘) showed voters that in their minds, the
suburban non-car commuter doesn’t even exist.

Sutcliffe’s speech put cyclists at risk by:

  1. in his first video, inciting hatred against cyclists through
    caricature and giving a speech that obfuscates what IS possible;
  2. Denying our existence with the « a bike lane won’t help you with
    that » tweet. As a suburban cyclist, I very much know that it WOULD:
    despite the detours I can take to minimize the usage of 4 lane roads,
    there are points in my route where I MUST take them. If some residents
    won’t join me in that adventure on a good summer’s day with their kids
    on that route for fear of getting hurt , then Mr. Sutcliffe was gas-lighting us.
  3. Generally advocating against bike lanes when being in a position of
    influence. Physically separated infrastructure is a tool that, when
    well done, keeps vulnerable road users safe.

It is those who want to perpetuate car dependency who aren’t facing
the reality of climate change, not us that are the dogmatic. As an
Urban3 study commissioned by Guelph has shown that car dependent cities
are fiscally unsustainable, despite anti-infrastructure speech being
often painted as fiscally responsible.

In his YouTube channel “Not Just Bikes”, Jason Slaughter, a Londoner
who moved to Netherlands, shows North Americans that it is very much
possible to transform our cities into a quieter place to enjoy
walking, shopping, cycling, driving and convenient transit. The
Netherlands was very much a car dependent hell before its citizens
decided otherwise.

Mr. Sutcliffe, on the other hand, is not a leader for all commuters of
Ottawa. He is a leader of Ottawa voters who wish to continue on this
ecologically & fiscally unsustainable path. An injured or dead cyclist
won’t matter to him.

Two proposals offer chance to fix critical missing link

Two proposals (one near and one in the Merivale Triangle) offers a chance to fix a critical missing between cycling networks north & south of Baseline. But they require amendement to get it right.

The proposal at 1500 Merivale has one bike path that links from a Walmart parking lot.  But the other end dumps onto a road of the projet, which has 2008 car parking spaces. The bike lane needs to go along the east edge of the project, rather than dump cyclists onto the road.

The other proposal is across from 1500 Merivale at 1345 Baseline.  It has no bike path.  But it could be amended to link the 1500 Merivale proposal to Nikki Way safely rather than having to use the busy Walmart parking lot.

It’s that familiar situation again where one wants to get excited about the initiatives but mmmmmmmmmm……….  not quite.

The city has to get this right.   There are no safe links on either side of Baseline.   No way for residents on the north side of Baseline to safely connect to the businesses south of Baseline.

A physically separated link from would also offer a connection between the Experimental Farm Pathway and the Nepean Trail.

I’m encouraging cyclists (and would-be cyclists given the proper infrastructure) of Copeland Park, McKellar Heights, Central Park and Carlington to write encouraging municipal staff and leaders to properly amend the proposals of 1500 Merivale and 1345 Baseline so they may present a safe, segregated link from Nikki Way to Gilbert Drive for vulnerable road users. Here are the web links & email addresses to send your comments

Here is a prior letter for the proposal at 1500 Mervale if you need inspiration.

1500 Merivale Road proposal could block critical cycling link

Wrote the following to the city:

Cc: River Ward <>,, « Leiper, Jeff » <>, Robin Bennett <>, « Chiarelli, Rick » <>, Laine Johnson <>, Horizon Ottawa <>,

Ms Stern, Ms Rygus, Mr Egli,

It is absolutely critical that the applicant’s proposal in the Merivale triangle (at 1500 Merivale Road) be amended to allow a physically separated bike path to connect Niki Way to Kimway Crescent. There are vital missing cycling links between the north and south of Baseline allowing cyclists to cross safely on either side of Clyde / Merivale.

Attached is my suggestion for linking the experimental pathway and the residential neighborhoods north of Baseline to the businesses south of Baseline and the Nepean Trail.  As you can see, the proposal at 1500 Merivale Road plays a VERY, VERY critical part in this connection.

Right now, residents of Copeland Park, Belair Heights and McKellar Heights cannot access any businesses south of Baseline safely without a car.  As a cyclist, I cannot access the businesses without using 4 lane roads such as Baseline or Maintland.  It is not something that is safe to do with a child or for an inexperienced cyclist.

Even the sidewalks for pedestrians are arguably unsafe, as the many collisions over the years on Baseline & Maintland will attest to.  It is illegal for cyclists to use sidewalks; it is not necessarily safer
as drivers do not expect fast moving bikes as they come out of driveways and intersections.

I am begging all three of you to save lives and create this critical link for a transportation network to get around our beautiful city in a safe, healthy and cheap way,  as well as feed customers to businesses on Merivale.


Using Backup your account by editing your host file

As I write this, the domain name for is no longer pointing to the server containing the data. It looks like the domain expired., another site hosted by the maker of, Maciej Cegłowski, now shows an expired domain page. is pointing to the same numeric address.

Fortunately, the data seems intact for now. It’s possible to access the backup feature by editing your hosts file so that points to Then you can access the backup features by going to .

If editing your host files seems a little overwhelming, I would suggest getting a computer knowledgeable friend to help you out. You can ping me on @cyclingzealot for help, but as a dad of a toddler, I don’t think I will have the time to help.

All thanks go to Pelle Wessman for these instructions.

I have no updates as of yet if Maciej is ok or what is his plan for . I don’t know Maciej personally.